À l'honneur

Press review of December 30, 2022

Par Maghreb Émergent
décembre 31, 2022
Press review of December 30, 2022

L’Orient Le Jour
The case of El Kadi Ihsane is of interest to the Middle East. The journalist is an icon of the free press in Algeria writes L’Orient Le Jour. Perhaps he has it from his father … engages the daily that wonders: Is it because Ihsane is « son of a senior official of the National Liberation Front during the war of independence? « . Or because of the few months he spent in the regime’s prisons when, as a young student, he dreamed of a democratic Algeria? The independent Lebanese newspaper is seduced by the personality of the journalist « He is one of those who do not negotiate their ideals ». The fact is that Ihsane el-Kadi nourishes an inexhaustible love for freedom, in an Algeria held with an iron fist by the power in place, he is part of those who are locked up! A figure of independent journalism since the 1980s, the man has always campaigned for the plurality of information and freedom of tone, « For him, the demonization of the Islamist fringe « betrays an eagerness to twist the blow to the unity of the Hirak. In the middle of the black decade, « He opened our eyes to the issue of the disappeared, the people abducted by the security services. He used to say ‘This is the beating heart of journalism’, » says Daikha Dridi. A freedom of tone « undermined in the Algeria of Abdelmadjid Tebboune » argues L’Orient-Le-Jour. The newspaper opens its columns to its friends and journalists of its editorial staff. « He watches over all the articles. He does not oppose any idea of his journalists, but we have no right to error. If we had done so, Radio M and Maghreb Emergent would have closed a long time ago, » said Aboubaker Khaled, who continues to work for his media from a distance.

Le Devoir
After the closure of Radio M, I don’t see where the opposition to the government could express its opinions and positions. Journalist Lynda Abbou believes that the interpellation of ElKadi Ihsane will « profoundly change the current media sphere in Algeria. » She confided this to the DEVOIR.
« With the support committee in place, we will consider future actions, including a first press conference early this year. We also want to extend the mobilization to other actors, both those of the Algerian diaspora as foreign citizens, journalists, Reporters Without Borders and Amnesty International, « said in turn, the journalist Zoheir Aberkane, according to whom the struggle is announced « hard » for the independent Algerian press.
Thus, the fate of Ihsane El-Kadi and Radio M is uncertain, and the director will spend the holidays in custody punctuates the daily news published in Montreal and distributed in Quebec.

Voice Of America
Algerians expressed their dismay online, including those who disagreed with him reports The Voice of America.
Its media were at the forefront of the political debate, writes the U.S. government’s multimedia. It provided a platform for journalists and the political opposition to expose contradictions or flaws in government policies.
The U.S. government’s international broadcasting service, which provides content in more than 45 languages, says, and I quote, « El Kadi Ihsane is the latest target of a fierce crackdown on dissenting voices in this North African country. »



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