
Italy, Ecomondo 2023: Spotlights on Africa, opportunities and tech solutions to combat the climate crisis

Par Maghreb Émergent
4 octobre 2023
Italy, Ecomondo 2023: Spotlights on Africa, opportunities and tech solutions to combat the climate crisis

Press release

 Mass participation of the European Commission
 -Africa Green Growth, the forum for African embassies, governments and institutions
-Focus on water, energy, food (WEF-Nexus), the key connection for determining environmental impact

Rimini (Italy) 3 October 2023 – Droughts, desertification, floods. Extreme phenomena are increasingly threatening the African continent and the need for green tech approaches and solutions is of the utmost relevance and urgency. Topics that will also be discussed during the international conferences at Ecomondo (26th edition), Italian Exhibition Group’s (IEG) leading trade show for the green economy in Europe and the Mediterranean basin, to be held from 7th to 10th November in Rimini with 1,500 exhibiting brands in 28 halls occupying the entire Rimini Expo Centre premises.
From Technological processes to stop climate change, to EU-funded projects aimed at a more circular blue (bio)economy in the Mediterranean, the States General for Soil Health (2nd edition) to Africa Green Growth, to mention just a few of the events on the busy calendar organised by Ecomondo’s Technical-Scientific Committee, directed by Professor Fabio Fava from Bologna University, in collaboration with the event’s main institutional and technical partners, together with the international board of experts from the European CommissionOECDFAOUfMEEAISWA .

A sold-out edition that has registered the participation of all the green supply chains on the foreign front, numerous delegations of top buyers, journalists, associations and institutional representatives from all over the world, thanks to the solid and valuable collaboration with ITA – Italian Trade Agency for the promotion and internationalisation of Italian companies abroad and with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.

Africa Green Forum (Thursday 9th November) organised by RES4Africa and Ecomondo’s Technical-Scientific Committee,with the participation of the European Commission , will focus on the Water Energy Food (WEF) Nexus approach as an integral part of international development agendas. The conference, with institutional speakers and a large delegation of professionals from the African continent, will highlight the interconnections between water, energy and food systems, revealing business models and financing mechanisms capable of increasing economic productivity in an area like Africa, where the consumption and need for water, electricity and food is expected to grow exponentially in the future.


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